First Cymru

All fleet lists on this site are unofficial

36205BN12 WOJRavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse Gemini 2Campus to Campus
36206BN12 WOMRavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse Gemini 2Campus to Campus
36207BJ12 VWORavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse Gemini 2Campus to Campus
36208BJ12 VWPRavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse Gemini 2Campus to Campus
36209BJ12 VWRRavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse Gemini 2Campus to Campus
36210BJ12 VWSRavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse Gemini 2Campus to Campus
36211BJ12 VWTRavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse Gemini 2Campus to Campus
36212BJ12 VWURavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse Gemini 2non-standard
36213BJ12 VWVRavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse Gemini 2First red/maroon
36214BJ12 VWWRavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse Gemini 2First red/maroon
36256BG12 YJNRavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse Gemini 2First red/maroon
37057CRZ 599HaverfordwestVolvo B7TL / Wright Eclipse Gemininon-standard
37059CRZ 622Haverfordwest (*)Volvo B7TL / Wright Eclipse Gemininon-standard
37256YN07 MKVRavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse Gemininon-standard
37668YJ58 RSVRavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse GeminiFirst red/maroon
37671YJ58 RSZRavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse GeminiFirst red/maroon
37673YJ58 RTURavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse GeminiFirst 2012
37682YJ09 FVORavenhillVolvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse GeminiFirst red/maroon
44455YX09 HKPPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44456YX09 HKEPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44457YX09 HKFPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44503CU08 ADOBridgendAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44552YX13 AEVTycroesAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44555YX13 AEZRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44557YX13 AFERavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44558YX13 AKUTycroesAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44559YX13 AKVRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44569YX63 LHRRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44570YX63 LKUBridgendAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44573YX13 BNARavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44574YX13 BNBRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44575YX13 BNDRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44576YX13 BNERavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44577YX13 BNFRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44578YX13 BNJRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44579YX13 BNKRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44580YX13 BNLRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44581YX13 BNNRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44582YX63 ZUDBridgendAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44583YX63 ZVAPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44584YX63 ZVBPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44585YX63 ZVCPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44586YX63 ZVDPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44587YX63 ZVEPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44588YX63 ZVFPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44589YX63 ZVGPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44590YX63 ZVHPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44591YX63 LHKBridgendAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44592YX63 LHLPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44593YX63 LHMPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44594YX14 RWNRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44595YX14 RWORavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44602YX14 RUCPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200non-standard
44603YX14 RUHRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200non-standard
44605YX14 RUOPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44606YX14 RURHaverfordwestAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44607YX14 RUUPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44608YX14 RUVRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44611YX14 RVARavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44612YX14 RVCHaverfordwestAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44614YX14 RVFHaverfordwestAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44615YX14 RVJRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44616YX14 RVKHaverfordwestAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44617YX14 RVLHaverfordwest (-)Alexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44618YX14 RVMPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44619YX14 RVNHaverfordwestAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44620YX14 RVOHaverfordwestAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44621YX14 RVPBridgendAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44622YX14 RVRBridgendAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44623YX14 RVTBridgendAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44625YX14 RVVPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44626YX14 RVWBridgendAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44627YX14 RVYPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44628YX14 RVZPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44629YX14 RWEPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44630YX14 RWFHaverfordwestAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44631YX14 RWJPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44632YX14 RWKBridgendAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44633YX64 VPJPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44634YX64 VPKHaverfordwestAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44635YX64 VPLHaverfordwestAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44636YX64 VPMHaverfordwestAlexander Dennis Enviro200First 2012
44642SN15 LKDHaverfordwestAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44643SN15 LKEHaverfordwestAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44644SN15 LKFHaverfordwestAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44645SN15 LKGHaverfordwestAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44646SN15 LKJRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44647SN15 LKKRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44648SN15 LKLRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44649SN15 LKMRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44650SN15 LKORavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44751SN15 LKPRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44752SN15 LKURavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44907YX09 AFUPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44926YX11 HNYPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
44928EU08 FHBBridgendAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
45111YX58 FRJPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
45112YX58 FRKPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
45113YX58 FRLPort TalbotAlexander Dennis Enviro200First red/maroon
47413SK63 KLUBridgendWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47415SK63 KLXBridgendWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47425SK63 KMVBridgendWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47428SK63 KMZBridgendWright StreetLite DFFirst red/maroon
47429SK63 KNABridgendWright StreetLite DFFirst red/maroon
47436SK63 KNHBridgendWright StreetLite DFFirst green front
47440SK63 KNNBridgendWright StreetLite DFnon-standard
47441SK63 KNOBridgendWright StreetLite DFFirst green front
47443SK63 KNRBridgendWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47468SN14 DZPRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47469SN14 EAATycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47470SN14 EACRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47471SN14 EAERavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47477SN14 EAPTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47517SN64 CFVRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47518SN64 CFXRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst purple front
47546SN14 FFWBridgendWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47547SN14 FFXRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47548SN14 FFYBridgendWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47565SN64 CLYBridgendWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47568SN64 CMFBridgendWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47571SN64 CMUBridgendWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47635SN15 AEBTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47636SN15 AECRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst black front
47637SN15 AEDRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst red/maroon
47638SN15 AEERavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst red/maroon
47639SN15 AEFTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47641SN15 AEJRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst 2012
47659SN65 OKOTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst red front
47660SN65 OKPRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst red front
47661SN15 ABKTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst red front
47662SN15 ABOTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst red front
47663SN15 ABUTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst red front
47664SN15 ABVTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst red front
47670SN15 ACXRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst red/maroon
47673SL15 RVORavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst red front
47674SL15 RVPRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst red front
47675SL15 RVRRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst red front
47676SL15 RVTRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst red front
47681SL15 RVYTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst red/maroon
47683SL15 XWYRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst red/maroon
47684SL15 XWZRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst red/maroon
47685SL15 XXAPort TalbotWright StreetLite DFFirst red/maroon
49002YJ13 HMDPort TalbotOptare VersaFirst red/maroon
49003YJ13 HMEPort TalbotOptare VersaFirst red/maroon
49004YJ13 HMFPort TalbotOptare VersaFirst red/maroon
49005YJ13 HMGPort TalbotOptare VersaFirst red/maroon
49006YJ13 HMHPort TalbotOptare VersaFirst red/maroon
49007YJ13 HMKPort TalbotOptare VersaFirst red/maroon
49008YJ13 HMUPort TalbotOptare VersaFirst red/maroon
49009YJ13 HMVPort TalbotOptare VersaFirst red/maroon
49010YJ13 HMXPort TalbotOptare VersaFirst red/maroon
49301YJ13 HLRPort TalbotOptare VersaCymru Clipper 2019
49302YJ13 HLUPort TalbotOptare VersaCymru Clipper 2019
49303YJ13 HLVBridgendOptare VersaCymru Clipper 2019
49304YJ13 HLWBridgendOptare VersaCymru Clipper 2019
49305YJ13 HLXPort TalbotOptare VersaCymru Clipper 2019
49307YJ13 HLZPort TalbotOptare VersaCymru Clipper 2019
49308YJ13 HMAPort TalbotOptare VersaCymru Clipper 2019
49309YJ13 HMCPort TalbotOptare VersaCymru Clipper 2019
53603YJ14 BKERavenhillOptare Solo SRFirst red/maroon
53604YJ14 BKFRavenhillOptare Solo SRFirst red/maroon
53605YJ14 BKGTycroesOptare Solo SRFirst red/maroon
53606YJ14 BKKTycroesOptare Solo SRFirst red/maroon
53607YJ14 BKLTycroesOptare Solo SRFirst red/maroon
53608YJ14 BKNTycroesOptare Solo SRFirst red/maroon
53609YJ14 BKOPort TalbotOptare Solo SRFirst red/maroon
53610YJ14 BVABridgendOptare Solo SRFirst red/maroon
53611YJ14 BVBPort TalbotOptare Solo SRFirst red/maroon
53612YJ14 BVCBridgendOptare Solo SRFirst red/maroon
53613YJ14 BVDBridgendOptare Solo SRFirst red/maroon
53615YJ14 BVFBridgendOptare Solo SRFirst red/maroon
53851YJ68 FWORavenhillOptare Solo SRBathcity (blue)
53852YJ68 FWPTycroesOptare Solo SRBathcity (blue)
53853YJ68 FWRTycroesOptare Solo SRBathcity (blue)
63079SN14 DTXRavenhillWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63080SN14 DTYRavenhillWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63081SN14 DTZRavenhillWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63082SN14 DUARavenhillWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63083SN14 DUHRavenhillWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63084SN14 DUJRavenhillWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63085SN14 DUURavenhillWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63086SN14 DUVRavenhillWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63087SN14 DUYRavenhillWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63088SN14 DVBTycroesWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63089SN14 DVCPort TalbotWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63090SN14 DVFRavenhillWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63091SN14 DVGPort TalbotWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63092SN14 DVHPort TalbotWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63093SN14 DVJPort TalbotWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63094SN14 DVKPort TalbotWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63095SN14 DVLPort TalbotWright StreetLite DFCymru Clipper 2019
63444MF23 ZVBTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst 2018
63445MF23 ZVCTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst 2018
63446MF23 ZVDTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst 2018
63447MF23 ZVETycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst 2018
63448MF23 ZVGTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst 2018
63449MF23 ZVHTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst 2018
63450MF23 ZVJRavenhillWright StreetLite DFFirst 2018
63451MF23 ZVKTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst 2018
63452MF23 ZVLTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst 2018
63453MF23 ZVMTycroesWright StreetLite DFFirst 2018
65125CE72 YOJCarmarthenYutong E12TrawsCymru red/grey
65126CE72 YOKCarmarthenYutong E12TrawsCymru red/grey
65127CE72 YOMCarmarthenYutong E12TrawsCymru red/grey
65128CE72 YONCarmarthenYutong E12TrawsCymru red/grey
65129CE72 YOOCarmarthenYutong E12TrawsCymru red/grey
65130CE72 YORCarmarthenYutong E12TrawsCymru red/grey
65131CE72 YOLCarmarthenYutong E12TrawsCymru red/grey
65132CE72 YOPCarmarthenYutong E12TrawsCymru red/grey
66729WX54 XCORavenhill (t)Volvo B7RLE / Wright EclipseFirst training
66940WX55 TZBPort Talbot (t)Volvo B7RLE / Wright EclipseFirst training
67432SL63 GBORavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro300Cymru Clipper 2019
67434SL63 GBVRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro300Cymru Clipper 2019
67435SL63 GBXRavenhillAlexander Dennis Enviro300Cymru Clipper 2019
69351SV08 FHARavenhill (t)Volvo B7RLE / Wright EclipseFirst training
69352SV08 FHBRavenhill (t)Volvo B7RLE / Wright EclipseFirst training
69354SV08 FHDRavenhill (t)Volvo B7RLE / Wright EclipseFirst training
69355SV08 FHERavenhill (t)Volvo B7RLE / Wright EclipseFirst training
69370YJ08 XYKBridgendVolvo B7RLE / Wright EclipseFirst 2018
69443WX59 BYVBridgendVolvo B7RLE / Wright Eclipse 2Bathcity (blue)
69457WX59 BZLBridgendVolvo B7RLE / Wright Eclipse 2Bathcity (blue)