
N.B. This list is incomplete.

All fleet lists on this site are unofficial

Updated 06 Apr 2024

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To record a change of depot, status, or livery, click on a vehicle to bring up the vehicle record, then use the relevant "change" button. If a vehicle is missing, search for it, and if it isn't found on the database, click the "Suggest" button to get it added.

Show depot:

RMA58NMY 655EBrentford (-)AEC RoutemasterRed
RML2323CUV 323CBrentford (h)AEC RoutemasterLondon Red
RML2366JJD 366DBrentford (h-)AEC RoutemasterLondon Red
RML2682SMK 682FBrentford (h)AEC RoutemasterLondon Red
RML2683SMK 683FBrentford (h)AEC RoutemasterLondon Red